Although it isn’t officially a national holiday, Election Day is always an important part of our democracy. Houstonians can usually expect to rock the vote a few times a year. The 2018 election gives us the opportunity to cast our ballot in several important races but in order to do that you need to know where to go and when you need to get there.
Texas is a largely non-voting state, meaning that the large majority of people eligible to vote do not. Of course some people make a conscious decision not to cast a ballot, but for many they simply don’t know how to vote.
The first step is registering to vote. Although it’s too late to register to vote in the November 6, 2018 election, you can still register for any future election. You can do this when you get your i.d or driver’s license or by mailing in your registration here.
Once you’ve registered you should look for upcoming races to see which candidates are seeking election. Houston’s LGBTQ community is fortunate to be the home of the oldest, non-partisan political caucus in the south, the GLBT Political Caucus. On a monthly basis the Caucus meets to discuss issues in the community and to meet candidates who seek their endorsement. When election day draws near the caucus screens those candidates and then votes on endorsements. Endorsed candidates appear on the “Caucus Card” which is provided for voters to take into the polling booth. You can expect that these candidates are ones who support LGBTQ issues. You can find this information online here.
After you have decided who to vote for it is just a matter of getting to the polls and casting a ballot. In Texas we are given the chance to vote early. This is a great opportunity to skip the long lines and get it out of the way. Early voting for the 2018 midterm election ends on November 2. Otherwise the official Election Day is November 6. Your polling location should be relatively close to your home. You can get information about where you need to go here.
Whether you identify as a Republican, Democrat or Independent, it is important to make your voice heard. On November 6 we are choosing our U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, several judges and more. Make a plan to vote and use these resources to make an informed decision. There are people everywhere that want to help you get to the polls. So get out and vote!