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Posts from August 2012

  • Laughter and Tears in Next Fall
    August 23, 2012
    There's a lot to think about in Next Fall, the 2009 play from writer Geoffrey Nauffts which won critical praise on Broadway and is being staged for the first time in Houston at Obsidian Art Space. The comedic drama follows Adam and Luke, two gay men in a relationship where faith is playing a divisive role. Adam is an atheist--though his hypochondria borders on a religious obsession--and Luke is a devout Christian. Scenes jump between a tense present in a hospital waiting room and the past,
  • Survey Shows Trends in LGBT Buying Patterns
    August 6, 2012
    A growing number of gay men and lesbians made a conscious decision to purchase from brands such as JCPenney, Starbucks and Target in the last year because of these companies' support for the LGBT community, new survey results show. San Francisco-based Community Marketing Inc. released its 2012 LGBT Community Survey last week, which shows trends in decision-making and buying patterns across the gay community. Roughly 14,000 U.S. respondents participated in this year's survey. When asked...