Nightly Spirits Ghost Tours

(844) 678-8687
305 Travis Street | Houston, TX 77002

Part ghost tour, part pub crawl, Nightly Spirits Houston takes guests out for an after-dark experience they won’t soon forget. After hours of research, tasting drinks in bars, researching history and ghost hunting, the Nightly Spirits team has crafted a well-vetted list of destinations that have roots dating back to the 1800s.

With Downtown’s Public Service Wine & Whiskey serving as the launch point, tours will feature a good mix of history lesson, brew and a 1-mile expanse of nightlife venues. During the 2.5 hour exploration, guest can expect to stop by four pubs, hearing mind-bending stories along the way.

Tours are offered Friday and Saturday evenings with additional calendar dates added during the month of October. Tours are $25 per person.
Attendees must be 21 or older. Parking is free next door to Spaghetti Warehouse after 5PM though Nightly Spirits recommends taking a taxi or an Uber.

  • Languages Spoken
    • English
  • Bar
  • No. Miles from GRB Convention Center: 1.3
  • Military Rate
  • Reservations Required
    • Yes